0164436440 contact@oxhoo.com

For Private &
Multi-foor Services.

Safe. Hygienic. Private

Automatic doors and ventilation ensure contactless, hygienic dish service, prioritizing privacy and spill prevention.

1 Dispatch, 4 Locations Served

Adjustable up to four compartments, each accessible independently, serving up to 4 locations’ diverse needs.

The IoT Elevator Rider

The BUTLERBOT W3 can now take the elevator for item delivery, streamlining business processes


Product specifications

Product Dimensions

Product weight

Number of trays

Width of passage min.

Load capacity max.

Battery life

Recharge time

Operating system

450*550*1 080mm

48 kg

2 / 3 / 4

10kg by plate


9-12 heures

5 heures
