0164436440 contact@oxhoo.com
Meet the team-Joe Cummuskey

Meet the team-Joe Cummuskey

MEET THE TEAM Joe Cummuskey Business Development Manager. What does your OXHOO day look like? Starting at 8:30, I review what I’ve got outstanding or tasks that I have to do for the day ahead, followed by making call to existing customers and  potential customer...
Meet the team-Tim Pendlebury

Meet the team-Tim Pendlebury

MEET THE TEAM Tim Pendlebury Technical Apprentice. How are you finding your first week(s) at OXHOO? I am enjoying my first few weeks here at Oxhoo, I find all the different techniques used by the other technicians in the group and how every different technique ends up...
TLM Choose OXHOO for MFG

TLM Choose OXHOO for MFG

CASE STUDY TLM Tecnologies Roberts Garages Oxhoo prides itself on designing and producing EPoS hardware that can adapt to any business and fit seamlessly in every retail environment. When TLM Technologies was chosen to do a new EPoS installation in Jersey for MFG...